Adding 2 Acres of Land to the Ministry

  • $10


  • $17,500


About this Cause

We have been looking for land to purchase around us and have been offered approximately 2 acres to purchase. While this land is not connected to our current land it is very close and there are talks of us purchasing another small piece of land which would connect this new 2 acres to our current property. This is a great opportunity for us as acquiring land in our area can be hard because it is family land that has been passed down over the years. In 2017 we struggled to purchase just half an acre that we had a signed agreement on. Currently we have a total of about 8 acres for the church, home, school, and farm. Purchasing this additional 2 acres would allow us to have room to build staff housing and homes for our adult children (and spouses) who want to dedicate their lives to serving the Lord with us here in Kenya. This will also allow us to have more land to grow food, and we think we will have room to create a full size soccer field which is a school requirement that we are not able to currently meet. Being able to purchase this property will be a blessing to all parts of the ministry work here. We know that it will take time to do all of the things that we would like to do on this new land, but God has been so good to us the last 8 years and has continued to do MORE than we thought possible. In total it will cost about $17,500 to purchase this property. I feel like our whole story is a “But God!” story. We never thought we would live in Kenya. We never thought that once we were here that things would advance to where they are today. We never thought we would own 4 acres, much less 8 and now we have the opportunity to own approximately 10 acres total. I never thought that Kenya would change my life. But God! He is the great provider of what we need and I do not only mean financially, He has provided every step of the way, showing us the way to go, guiding and directing our steps, protecting us from those against us, and opening doors that we could not open on our own. Please join us in praying for this need and if the Lord puts it in your heart to help us meet this goal, know that it will be a blessing to MANY for years and years to come! Soli Deo Gloria! (Glory to God alone)

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